Life can be full of uncertainties and surprises. We are still figuring out and guessing what life actually has prepared for us. Perhaps we live through a question to another question we have on our mind. The only one certain thing is time keeps moving on without us. We never run out of time but we have no power to control time. There is a saying that time is money yet it depends on how we use time wisely can benefit ourselves. I feel time flies quickly and there was one moment I felt left behind also I couldn’t overtake goals of mine as soon as possible. I was ruined by my own expectation about time would always be by my side in all circumstances. It was my fault to reckon that way.
Up to the middle of my twenties, I’ve had many turning points in my life. From my personal to professional life, I’ve changed how to seek new opportunities after lost opportunities and what I can do to keep myself discovering also learning new things that are worthy of my time and energy to give them a try. My construct about good and bad timing has modified too. I’m bravely saying I like the changes I’ve made to myself and situations in my life eventhough not everything I wanted could shift as I’ve always prayed for. Once in a while, your efforts won’t result something unless life lessons. It sounds like a bitter truth but that is what we get to accept.
The first thing I’ve realized that when you are feeling sad or happy, time won’t stop for you. Immersing yourself in a sorrow won’t make up the situation but it could be the condition you can pour down your emotions as much as you need until you feel a bit better later on. You may lose time for grieving but you won’t hold back yourself to express what you sense at that moment. It is not always right to disown your feelings when you are not doing good emotionally. Also, when we are feeling cheerful about something or while we are doing things we enjoy could make us forget about time. We only care that we do what we like and we feel what we love without any distraction but time just keep going on because it is never responsible for ourselves and it won’t stop working for us likewise.
My second view of time is you must move on from your mistakes or failures because your life must go on too. Don’t give up too soon. There are many ways to head to your destination. One closed door isn’t the last chance. Exploring the other hidden sides in yourself is a fun thing. Sometimes, you should try to lower your ideal self to meet your real self because unwittingly we could feel that our life might not be meaningful when we only live without feeling truly alive. We could never catch or compete with time but we are so possible to make progress with the time we are allowed to use properly. We may be borrowing time and we owe time nothing but the responsibility to ourselves with the opportunities that time has brought to us.
In addition, there is a silver lining in every phase you are going through. It could shatter your heart to pieces when things don’t work the way you always desired. The blood, sweat, and tears wasted don’t turn into anything. Maybe, we are meant to keep learning and spare some time for life to teach us how to be a tougher human. Some things could happen to you instantly but in another time other things could take forever coming into your life. Forever sounds limitless and unmeasurable thing that could give us a great hope at least. We can get lost and looking for a way out of a jungle of vagueness because we are not the masters of our own fate. Though, we own the present and that is the sure thing indeed. We may not have everything at this moment but we can do something from now on.
Don’t stop moving forward when today might not be your luck but your turn to receive good things will come sooner or later. Have faith in what you are working on and put greater efforts than you had tried in advance. The uncertainty in life is not as frightening as we think. Let us start paying attention to the controllable things even if time keeps slipping away and leaving us without any sign.