Several days ago, my little sister’s friend just turned 25. He said he was entering a gate of quarter life crisis and he still has to go through his Schizophrenia. Every day and night, he overthinks a lot for being the first child with 3 younger siblings, failed several times in some classes due to his mental condition has been affecting him physically, and so on. He wishes about many things but reality hits him harder. To be very honest, I don’t have any advices could work out for him because I will also turn 25 next month. There is no certain formula in life and life might be made to confuse us until we can figure answers out. From my persepective, I should get through everything awaits me. Life can be like waves. Every age can be their own hurdle and everybody will find their own problem. It doesn’t mean I am a very calm person. I do have panic but it won’t attack me as bad as it always did. I only care for the peace in me.
As far as I’m concerned about people will make a wish everytime they have birthday. It might be just me who stopped making wishes since I got into my twenties. I just don’t want to overthink about uncontrollable things. This world is not going to last forever as you watch how it gets older just like us. I do not want to put unrealistic expectation on anything or anyone. Some of us have our own imaginary world as the safe and pleasing place to plant wishes. While, we would bring the ideas of illustrating our real world as if it is a wish granting factory. Our wishes could be mostly about life and people. To my mind, even if we are allowed to live long until we will turn 100, we will never get half of the wishes we’ve made on every candle you blow on your birthday celebration. Because life is made perfectly fair and unfair. There will be one good moment is made for you but you cannot live in that moment forever. That’s not for we don’t deserve good things that we used to wish. Perhaps we are meant to have the limitless gratitude of the things we’ve taken for granted.
Maybe this world is big but our wishes can be bigger than it could carry. Maybe it would never be wish granting factory. Maybe everything occurs in it is created in pairs. We can get hurt and heal, we can win and lose, and we can meet and part. Maybe is my favorite thing to say. It is my belief that the world is likely a factory to shape us with the endless battle and exhaustion are prepared for everyone. You wouldn’t remember the last time you’d wake up feeling well rested. Every morning is began with responsibilities. Every night is ended with wishes. Every new age is unlocked with new worries. Life is like a cycle of how to survive to go through every phase that provides the most tempting option is to surrender all you’ve built from the very beginning. This world is not even a place for everyone’s first wish to reside. It could be a place for us to run the life we should live. I’d define a wish is something we’d wait patiently and little by little we’d let it go unfulfilled in a sincere way. You can make a wish anytime and anywhere but you won’t always get what you wished for here.