On the world mental health day, I want to dedicate something is related to a young boy who chose to end his life exactly two days ago and he just started his first year in the reputable university. I didn’t know him but I felt sad hearing that his suicide attempt is his solution to whatever he kept behind his laughters and positive things he exhibited to everyone who may knew him very well. His final decision about death may be his best consideration but we are nobody to blame or justify his action when we do not know what he went through for his entire life when he was still alive.
To people who may be struggling secretly on their own and people who may be caregivers to someone who is suffering from mental or emotional issues, here are the aims I have a sudden urge to verbalize about holding on to your condition or situation and make time to check up on people around you that might be in need of supports or assistances to go through hard things or negative feelings. Sometimes, the difficulties or negativities couldn’t disappear overnight because you couldn’t change a situation or recover your condition at a glance.
Surround yourself with people you can rely on. It is never easy to be emotionally open and mentally vulnerable to everyone. I can feel the hardship to trust someone at least. Some people are effortlessly lucky to find friends and have family they can talk about almost anything. The others can be unfortunately looking for a believable person to vent about something. At any rate, we are human beings have desire to be seen, heard, and understood for what we may feel or think. So, make sure you are surrounded by some or few people you can be freely and totally yourself on your good and bad days. Those who can be your safe place to exchange thoughts or feelings without judgement or feeling oppressed.
Normalize people who seek professional helps. Whenever you consider that you truly need to reach out an expert who could assist you to your mental health symptoms that are interfering with your daily life, just do it and go to nearby places you can see a psychologist or psychiatrist. Ignore the assumptions you might get from society when you are searching for professional helps for your physical, mental, or emotional states. Only you can know and decide what is better for yourself. Somehow, your openness about your condition to your close friends or family is not enough to make you feel relieved. Seeing a professional wouldn’t make you find a solution but it can make you recognize the root or cause of things you are coping with.
Bad things won’t last forever and you matter. Probably we often hear that “it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.” and you can wish also do something better tomorrow. You can start making a small to big change gradually. Everyday is a new opportunity. Your past or mistake can’t stop you from being a better version of yourself. Failure won’t determine your future as well. Some things happened to you can be a turning point to improve yourself and develop your new perspectives to view your life. Never think that you are unworthy of good things and creating a life you want to live with mindfulness. Although, happiness and sadness won’t stay in your life for long term but they will surely appear to teach you how to feel emotions differently but we would always pray for every single day things could go well and we could do things perfectly. Yourself is always precious regardless of your achievements, failures, or possessions.
Lastly, I just want to state that everybody has their own resilience and we have our own problems to solve and our own goals to pursue. Don’t doubt to show supports to people you know may need it, ask for helps when you feel things go wrong, and keep being kind to yourself also to people around you too.